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Digital Transformation
Augmented Reality | Virtual Reality | Mixed Reality
Digital transformation emphasizes enhancing customer experience (CX). The use of digital technology can assist in internal business operations, such as helping marketing departments expand the reach of publicity campaigns and communications and streamlining business processes. This results in desired customer perception of the brand that is more intuitive and in place so as to enhance the positive impression and value of the brand. In the current competitive landscape orientated towards customer experience, digital technologies such as extended reality (XR) can accelerate the creation of distinct communications content that can be easily identified with a brand and spread virally through effective marketing strategies.
Customers can harness the power of AR/VR/MR interactions to trigger growing customer interest and stickiness with the brand. MIFLY can help with the swift integration of product and marketing content in websites, apps, or event pages and other mediums. What’s more, MIFLY also provides back-end dashboards to monitor real-time data and disseminate the latest trends.

Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality
In a real-world scenario, virtual images, logos, texts, etc. allow users to access and interact with content through image recognition on interfaces such as mobile and wearable devices to enhance their understanding of specific spaces and events. In an augmented reality(AR) environment, users will see virtual information juxtaposed into real-world environments at the same time.
Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality
Smart glasses or virtual devices cover the sensory world of the user, which is replaced with a new 3D environment. The user will enter an AR space and begin a whole new visual and immersive auditory experience. As the user moves in a space and triggers are initiated, corresponding interactive information is displayed.

Mixed Reality
Mixed Reality
With the integration of AR and VR technologies, headset devices interlay virtual reality on real-world environments, creating a whole new visual sensation where the real and the virtual worlds exist in parallel. Users are able to see real spaces as well as virtual characters, images and information.
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